School Prospectus

Maple Court school in Stoke-on-Trent needed a new school prospectus so here is what we designed for their new term. First of all we met with Jonathan the head teacher & discussed what he & the school wanted. What the school need is always our priority & it is our job to put that into an attractive & informative document. From that initial meeting we

School Prospectus2016-09-22T10:23:47+01:00

Catalogue Photography

Catalogue photography usually starts with a chat about ideas and a few test shots to see if those ideas are achievable or can be improved upon. The test shots here are a few done today for Glenway Trophies from Leicester. They are are due here at the studio in August for about the 16th year in a row! These images are really helpful to us

Catalogue Photography2016-06-20T15:24:12+01:00
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