school prospectus

School Prospectus

Maple Court school in Stoke-on-Trent needed a new school prospectus so here is what we designed for their new term.

First of all we met with Jonathan the head teacher & discussed what he & the school wanted. What the school need is always our priority & it is our job to put that into an attractive & informative document. From that initial meeting we construct a proof school prospectus for the school to see what ideas we have had. Should a school need a new logo designing or just their old one giving a new lease of life then Caroline who has over 30 years experience in all types of design can do this no problem!

The Image Factory then visited then school on two occasions & carried out the location photography. We are of course CRB checked & we do have to make sure that all of the children’s parents have given permission for their children to be photographed.

These photographs are then positioned into the proof school prospectus & it is again submitted to the school. Normally there will be approximately three changes of text or image and then the work will be signed off & it goes to print.

Maple Court wanted a bright, attractive brochure/folder to show what great things their  school offered. There is a pocket inside the rear cover to hold all of the information parents need to read, this information is printed on single A4 paper so can be updated as needed without having to change the whole prospectus.

If you would like to discuss your schools needs or any photography project please contact us HERE.


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