About Andy Eeley

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So far Andy Eeley has created 40 blog entries.

Night Photography

This night photography image is one of a series that were taken over two days in Brighton last year. The brief from our client Magic Memories was to capture lots of images of the British Airways attraction. We photographed it from several different viewpoints both day and night and this was one of the best. Others included shots from high up on the ride and

Night Photography2017-05-16T13:00:52+01:00

Location Photography (with benefits)

Some location photography assignments can seem like dream jobs. This photography was taken on location at The White Star, Stoke for Titanic brewery. A whole series of images were captured including individual beers and range shots. Apart from wanting to drink the subject I suppose the most difficult part of the job was the lighting. As with all photography this was vital & getting the

Location Photography (with benefits)2017-04-24T13:10:39+01:00

Food Photography

Food photography is a passion of mine and something I have been doing for many years. It probably started without me really knowing it with me photographing my wife's cakes at home on a mobile phone. She's a brilliant cook with a gift for baking and I just love to photograph and then eat what she makes! What I love about food photography is the

Food Photography2017-02-28T15:05:27+00:00

Lighting in Commercial Photography

The single most important thing in photography in my opinion is lighting. Whether indoor or out the whole look of an image can be transformed with the correct lighting. The image shown here was photographed in The Image Factory studio for local pottery manufacturer William Edwards. The ceramics though destined for Cobblers Cove in Barbados had to be photographed in Burslem, oh well maybe next

Lighting in Commercial Photography2016-11-22T09:49:17+00:00

School Prospectus

Maple Court school in Stoke-on-Trent needed a new school prospectus so here is what we designed for their new term. First of all we met with Jonathan the head teacher & discussed what he & the school wanted. What the school need is always our priority & it is our job to put that into an attractive & informative document. From that initial meeting we

School Prospectus2016-09-22T10:23:47+01:00

Website images

Most of the images we capture end up on at least one website. This image for a client that makes additives to colour plastics was such a job. They originally wanted a simple white cut-out but we suggested they had it with a reflection just to add that little 'something extra'. The photograph was taken here in The Image Factory studio, Stoke-on-Trent and only took

Website images2016-08-16T13:28:25+01:00

Sam’s Work Experience

Today is Sam's last day of his work experience here at The Image Factory. We have enjoyed having him with us and if he's to be believed he has had a good time too. When we have a work experience person we try to get them as involved as  possible. Sam has helped out in the studio working with me on photography project like Moorcroft

Sam’s Work Experience2016-07-15T09:58:32+01:00

Staff Portrait

This staff portrait was photographed for Fuchs Oils, Stoke-on-Trent. It was taken on location in their laboratory last week and shows a member of staff in the environment they work. Sometimes these types of photographs can look as though the subject is about to be shot! What we did here was ask him do go about his business as he would usually. Then when The

Staff Portrait2016-07-06T12:50:16+01:00

Restoration Photography on Location

We were recently asked by our client Craven Dunnill from Bridgnorth if we could photograph a restoration project at a location that they had been involved with. The location was St.Georges Hall in Liverpool. I had driven past the building many times but had never really thought what was inside. I was truly amazed by what I saw the first time I walked through the

Restoration Photography on Location2016-06-30T09:53:27+01:00

Catalogue Photography

Catalogue photography usually starts with a chat about ideas and a few test shots to see if those ideas are achievable or can be improved upon. The test shots here are a few done today for Glenway Trophies from Leicester. They are are due here at the studio in August for about the 16th year in a row! These images are really helpful to us

Catalogue Photography2016-06-20T15:24:12+01:00
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